Getting a tongue tie release is a steppingstone in the right direction to alleviate the symptoms of your tongue tied baby or child. The release, however, is only a small part of what is required to overcome tongue tie difficulties.

For a list of symptoms relating to tongue ties, click here.

A successful release is accompanied by bodywork, IBCLC and aftercare, and how this is performed and timed, is crucial. Thorough planning must be done prior to the release, to ensure that bodywork and IBCLC practitioners are available, that aftercare exercises are rehearsed and pain suppressing medicine at hand.

In this article, we will address the timeline of the tongue-tie release, and give you insights into when to do bodywork, aftercare, consult the IBCLC and more.


  • Identification of possible tongue tie
    • Remember that symptoms are more indicative than the appearance of the tongue tie
  • Oral motor therapy
    • Daily until diagnosis
  • Book appointment with bodyworker and plan for the below treatment schedule prior to release
  • Book IBCLC appointment to be held prior to release
  • Book consultation with appropriate treatment provider

For more information on bodywork, click here.

Day -2: 2 days before the release

  • First bodywork appointment
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)
  • Stack up on pain suppressing medicine

Day -1: 1 day before the release

  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Day 1: The day of the release

  • Administer pain suppressing medicine prior to the release
  • Tongue tie release
  • Perform aftercare, preferably every 4 hours for a total of 6 times daily
    • If aftercare is especially stressful for your child, consider doing it only every 6 hours, but be sure to do it thoroughly then!
    • Perform aftercare for a full 6 weeks post release.
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

For a video guide to aftercare exercises, click here.

Day 2: The day after the release

  • Administer pain suppressing medicine if necessary
  • Consultation with IBCLC
  • Aftercare every 4 hours
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Day 3

  • Administer pain suppressing medicine if necessary
  • Consultation with bodyworker
  • Aftercare every 4 hours
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Day 4

  • Pain suppressing medicine should not be necessary, but continue if the child seems in pain during aftercare exercises
  • Aftercare every 4 hours
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Day 5-7

  • Update IBCLC on latch, wound, supply etc.
  • Consultation with bodyworker
  • Aftercare every 4 hours
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Day 8-11

  • Consultation with bodyworker
  • Aftercare every 4 hours
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Week 2

  • Wound check with release provider
  • Aftercare every 4 hours
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Day 14

  • Consultation with IBCLC on latch, wound, supply etc.
  • Aftercare every 4 hours
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Week 3

  • Wound is at highest contraction stage of healing
  • Day 15-17: Consultation with bodyworker
  • Consultation with IBCLC on latch, wound, supply etc.
  • Aftercare every 4 hours
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Week 4

  • Day 22-24: Consultation with bodyworker
  • Consultation with IBCLC on latch, wound, supply etc.
  • Ease up on the aftercare, reduce to 4 times daily and try to avoid nighttime
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Week 5

  • Day 29-31: Consultation with bodyworker
  • Consultation with IBCLC on latch, wound, supply etc.
  • Aftercare 4 times daily
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Week 6

  • Wound should feel soft and pliable
  • Day 36-38: Consultation with bodyworker
  • Consultation with IBCLC on latch, wound, supply etc.
  • Aftercare 4 times daily
  • Perform exercises at home based on bodyworker recommendations (e.g. TummyTime! exercises)

Week 7+

  • Consultation with bodyworker if needed
  • Consultation with IBCLC if needed
  • Stop aftercare
  • Stop home exercises

At the end of the sixth week, the treatment is concluded, and the effects of the procedure can be fully assessed. After week six it can still make sense to proceed with bodywork exercises, however this should not be due to the procedure, but normal stiffness in the body.

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