The tongue is a major contributor to the development of the mouth. A primary function of the tongue is to shape the skull, which is a process that occurs as the tongue rests in the palate of the mouth. If the movement of the tongue is restricted from a tongue tie, it will impair the tongues ability to properly shape the skull. Is this enough to give crooked teeth? Let us find out.

How Does Tongue Restriction Influence the Development of the Teeth?

As stated above, the tongue is a major contributor in shaping the skull. This is mostly done during the nighttime, where the tongue is supposed to rest in the roof of the mouth, broadening the palate. For this to happen optimally, most of the tongue (at least the part that is in the mouth) must rest at the roof, the point of the tongue is not sufficient. If the tongue has restricted movement, it will not be able to rest properly, hence not shape the mouth and skull properly, resulting in a high-arched palate.

For more information on high-arched palate, click here.

A high-arched palate also means a narrower chin. A typical trait of a high-arched palate and a narrower chin is that there is less space for the teeth to grow out properly. Less space for the teeth means that they will try to emerge on top of reach other. This will lead to crooked teeth.

What Can You Do About It?

The first step in finding out if you, or your little one, has a tongue tie, is to check and see if you have any of the symptoms.

The most common symptoms are:
Infant symptoms

• No latch

• Un-sustained latch

• Slides off nipple

• Prolonged feeds

• Unsatisfied after prolonged feeds

• Falls asleep on the breast

• Gumming or chewing on the nipple

• Poor weight gain or failure to thrive

• Unable to hold pacifier

Maternal symptoms

• Creased or blanched nipples after feeding

• Flattened cracked, bruised or blistered nipples

• Bleeding nipples

• Severe pain with latch

• Incomplete breast drainage

• Infected nipples

• Plugged ducts

• Mastitis & nipple thrush

For more information on tongue tie symptoms, click here.

If you, or your little one, has symptoms of a tongue tie, you should book an appointment with your local preferred provider. If your preferred provider confirms that you indeed do have a tongue tie, you should get it revised as fast as possible. Even for babies and newborns, the sooner you get a release, the better.

For more information on tongue tie treatment, click here.

Getting a tongue tie release is only the first part of the tongue tie treatment process. The treatment should always be followed up with both aftercare and bodywork, this is a crucial step.

For more information on aftercare, click here.

For more information on bodywork, click here.

Aftercare and bodywork are part of the regular tongue tie treatment process. If you already see signs of a high-arched palate you should consider OMFT or Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. This is basically fitness for the tongue and face and can help with both widening the palate and chin, as well as generally assisting recovery from the tongue tie procedure.

For more information of OMFT, click here.


A tongue tie can influence the development of the teeth, leading to crooked teeth. A tongue tie does not however always result in crooked teeth, it depends largely on the level of mobility in the tongue, and the tongues ability to rest in the roof of the mouth. If you suspect that you, or your little one, has symptoms of crooked teeth, consult a preferred provider, and get evaluated for a tongue tie. The sooner you fix the tongue tie, the better the chances of not getting crooked teeth.

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