Tongue tie
A tongue tie is a common term for the condition that occurs when the frenum (soft tissue) connecting the lips, tongue or cheeks to the hard tissues of the mouth are too short, hard or inflexible. This impairs ordinary movement while chewing, speaking, smiling, and performing other tasks. A tongue tie can also refer specifically to the connective tissue between the tongue and the bottom of the mouth.
Lip tie
A lip tie is a condition where the tissue connecting the upper or lower lip to the mouth is too tight or intrusive.
A frenotomy is the procedure of cutting the frenulum that runs underneath the tongue. It can be performed both with scissors and laser and that is performed under local anesthesia.
For more information on fretonomy, click here.
A more extensive procedure known as a frenuloplasty might be recommended if the lingual frenulum underneath the tongue is too thick for a frenotomy. The frenuloplasty is done under general anesthesia with surgical tools.
For more information on frenuloplasty, click here.
The connective tissue that holds oral soft tissue in place against the jaw and skull bones.