An Introduction to Lip Ties

An Introduction to Lip Ties

As with tongue ties, lip ties can cause a range of issues, and should as such be treated as serious conditions on the same scale as tongue ties. To get an overview of what a lip tie is, how it looks, and what the condition entails, we have gathered the most important...
The Connection Between Tongue Ties and Motor Skills

The Connection Between Tongue Ties and Motor Skills

Tongues are in the mouth, so tongue ties and the implications hereof are limited to the mouth alone. Or are they? Everything around the mouth and neck areas is tightly connected, so implications of a tongue tie are not just limited to the mouth but affects the entire...
A Beginner’s Guide to Tongue Ties

A Beginner’s Guide to Tongue Ties

Tongue ties are not something you generally speak about, so most people don’t learn about tongue ties until they get a baby with a tongue tie. The normal thing to do at this point, is to google tongue ties and search for it on social media, such as Facebook....
Tongue Tie Pain Relief – Treatment and Aftercare

Tongue Tie Pain Relief – Treatment and Aftercare

A tongue tie release performed by laser, is not a painful procedure. As the procedure is often performed on infants and babies, it is however very important that everything is done to ensure as little pain and discomfort as possible. Treatment General anesthesia is...