Your Number 1 Tongue Tie Website

Our Mission Is to Provide Fact Based and Real World Tested Information on Everything Tongue Tie Related
An estimated 5% of all babies are born with a tongue tie. A large part of these babies will grow up with issues if the tongue tie is not properly treated. Unfortunately, there is soo much inaccurate information out there. Our mission is to dispel the myths and provide fact based, real world tested, information to guide you though the process and help you get the results you and your baby deserves.
Fact Based Information
Everything on this site is quoted from world leading experts only, no nonsense.
Real World Tested
We have tested everything on this site on our clients, abundantly (even our own children!).
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We don’t do this for the money, so we donate all of our proceeds to further tongue tie research.
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Congratulations on making it this far. Now you should check out the categories below, to start learning more about tongue ties right now.

Wondering if your little one might have tongue tie symptoms? In this section we explore everything related to tongue tie symptoms.

Considering getting a tongue tie treatment, or already in the process? In this section we explore everything related to the tongue tie treatment process.

Aftercare is perhaps the most important part of tongue tie treatment, in this section we explore how to do it right for optimal results.

Aftercare alone will not be sufficient to get good results from tongue tie treatment, bodywork is also crucial. In this section we explore everything related to bodywork.

Want to know more about tongue ties in general? In this section we have our one-stop FAQ on tongue ties.

Additional Ressources
Peaked your interest? In this section we link to other useful website to further your knowledge on tongue ties even more.

Got a Tongue Tie Related Question?
Ask us anything!
“Having been through the tongue tie treatment process 4 times with two tongue tied babies I personally experienced the lack of fact based, real world tested, information on tongue ties. Since then, I have spent thousands of hours reelarching and consulting of parents to tongue tied children to save them the hardships that follows with incorrectly treated tongue ties”

Mark Blauenfeldt Nissen
Founder of Tongue-Tie-Support.com