
Best pacifier for tongue tied babies, both before and after release
One of the most asked questions we get here at, is what pacifier to use on a tongue-tied baby and on a baby that has just undergone a tongue tie release. That a baby is not able to use a pacifier is actually a common symptom of a tongue tie. The...

An Introduction to Lip Ties
As with tongue ties, lip ties can cause a range of issues, and should as such be treated as serious conditions on the same scale as tongue ties. To get an overview of what a lip tie is, how it looks, and what the condition entails, we have gathered the most important...

The Connection Between Tongue Ties and Motor Skills
Tongues are in the mouth, so tongue ties and the implications hereof are limited to the mouth alone. Or are they? Everything around the mouth and neck areas is tightly connected, so implications of a tongue tie are not just limited to the mouth but affects the entire...

A Beginner’s Guide to Tongue Ties
Tongue ties are not something you generally speak about, so most people don’t learn about tongue ties until they get a baby with a tongue tie. The normal thing to do at this point, is to google tongue ties and search for it on social media, such as Facebook....

Tongue Tie Pain Relief – Treatment and Aftercare
A tongue tie release performed by laser, is not a painful procedure. As the procedure is often performed on infants and babies, it is however very important that everything is done to ensure as little pain and discomfort as possible. Treatment General anesthesia is...

Tongue Tie Reattachment – What Are The Signs And What To Do?
A tongue tie release is a very simple and uncomplicated procedure. The release is only the first step in the tongue tie treatment process though. Following the release, bodywork, IBCLC consultations, aftercare and more, must be performed and attended for the next 6...

Tongue Ties and OMFT
OMFT, or Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, is an important part of treating a tongue tie for children above 4 years of age as well as for adults. What is OMFT and why is it important? When releasing a tongue tie, the mobility of the tongue is increased. This enables...

The Connection Between Air Induced Reflux And Tongue Ties In Small Children
Evidence shows that the primary cause of air induced reflux in infants and toddlers is a tied tongue. Read here to learn why, and how to treat it.

The Connection Between Tongue Ties and Digestive Issues
Do you suffer from digestive issues? A tongue-tie might be the cause.

Tongue Tie Release: Detailed Timeline Including Bodywork and IBCLC
Getting a tongue tie release is a steppingstone in the right direction to alleviate the symptoms of your tongue tied baby or child. The release, however, is only a small part of what is required to overcome tongue tie difficulties. For a list of symptoms relating to...

Tongue Tie – Treatment At A Glance
Treatment of a tight tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is controversial, and is performed in a variety of ways. In this brief, we will address the most common treatments, as well as give you advise on what type of treatment you should pursue. The possible treatments are the...
A Beginner’s Guide to Tongue Ties
Tongue ties are not something you generally speak about, so most people don’t learn about tongue...
Tongue Tie and Crooked Teeth, is There a Connection?
The tongue is a major contributor to the development of the mouth. A primary function of the...
Best pacifier for tongue tied babies, both before and after release
One of the most asked questions we get here at, is what pacifier to use on...
Aftercare: Why nighttime stretches are so important
A tongue-tie revision is one of the simplest and most pain-free procedures out there. It often...
Tongue Tie vs. Lip Tie, Which Is “Worst”?
There seems to be a tendency in social media, with practitioners and with concerned parents, to...
Tongue Ties and High-Arched Palate: The Connection, Symptoms and Treatment
As you can read in our article on tongue tie symptoms, a tongue tie can cause a range of issues....